Tractor of the Year Finalist - McCormick X6.4HD
We are delighted to announce that the all new McCormick X6.4HD has made it into the finals of the prestigious 2023 Tractor of the Year Competition - in the Best Utility Segment.
We firmly believe that the products we have now are as good, if not better than what our competitors are producing, a sentiment that is being echoed by several key journalists in the Ag sector, which has led to the McCormick X6.414 P6-Drive to be nominated as a finalist in the utility tractor of the year competition 2023, last won by McCormick in 2018 for the X6.4 VT-Drive.
- New ARGO P6-Drive drive transmission; a 24x24 Full powershift transmission comprising of 4 ranges and 6 powershifts.
- New Stage V FPT Engine with full under bonnet after-treatment system - others may use the same engines but still use an external SCR system on the right-hand side reducing visibility - and engine braking as standard on the McCormick X6.4
- New High-flow CCLS hydraulic circuit with 123l/min as standard.
- New ARGO High Vision cab, with sleek design giving great visibility compared to competition with older FOPS designs leading to reduced visibility in the loader viewing panel.
- New Smart Pilot Plus armrest, giving all major functions from one single joystick, no need for a secondary smaller joystick as is required from most competitors.
- IFS for superior operation and comfort in all conditions – the best ride on the road.